Rapid Digital Transformation with Polystack
by Jeb Hunsinger
October 10, 2022
Polystack is a component-based low-code application development platform that radically simplifies the deployment of digital solutions.

Welcome to the first of what will be several posts describing the key ways in which Polystack has helped our customers successfully implement and deploy digital business applications. These posts will cover a broad range of subjects, ranging from large scale use case driven solutions to individual product features. But first, let’s start from square one:

Polystack is a component-based low-code application development platform that radically simplifies the deployment of digital solutions. With Polystack, businesses can bind any API-available data source to any Polystack Component, configure any process, and create a fully branded user experience without the need to code. Polystack enables users to develop and deploy a business application in days or weeks, not months or years.

In short, Polystack allows you to build an application that integrates to anything, looks anyway you want it to look, to do anything.

As consultants, INVISR heard challenges from our customers that rolled up to a few common themes:

  1. Bespoke applications led to challenges unifying data and digital experiences
  2. Available solutions prohibitively expensive and complex for all but large-enterprise firms
  3. Digital expectations of customers, partners, and employees exponentially increasing year after year As a result, INVISR created Polystack to provide a simple and affordable platform to extend the capabilities of existing applications to create a unified digital experience to any constituent group.

Customers already on INVISR’s Polystack low-code platform have seen:

  1. Drastically increased time to value
  2. Seamless unification of business applications
  3. Frictionless integration of disparate data sources
  4. Increased user engagement
  5. Minimized change fatigue
  6. Reduced total cost of ownership
  7. Significantly reduced technical debt

Key use cases include mobile applications, intranets, data visualization, and portal solutions for customers and partners.

Reach out to us at to learn what it can do for you!